The Valley Unified Education Service Center is collaborating with local building contractors to develop the Upper St. John Valley Carpentry Training Program.
The training program will consist of two six-week hands-on, skills-based training sessions: 1. an apprentice level training block; and 2. a journeyman level training period.
Since March, local contractors, staff of the Valley Unified Community Outreach Office and Continuing Education Program, the director of the St. John Valley Technology Center, and a Community Development Block Grant manager from Northern Maine Development Commission have been meeting to develop the project.
To review preliminary information about this opportunity, go to or click on the image below.
For additional details:
1. local contractors who want to get involved should contact Curtis Saucier of Home Solutions in Fort Kent at 207-231-0624;
2. area adults interested in participating should contact Valley Unified Continuing Education at either 834-3536 or 728-6314; and
3. high school students interested in taking part should contact Kevin Lavoie, Director of the St. John Valley Technology Center, at 543-6606.